Unannounced Projects

At Fathom 7 Games, I was a technical gameplay designer and programmer for two unannounced projects. For the primary project, I worked with Blueprints in Unreal Engine 4 to create quest and character functionality, and I designed a level with all of the current (at the time) character abilities. For the secondary project, I programmed gameplay features in C# for a Unity game.

My Contributions (Technical Gameplay Designer)

  • For the Unreal 4 project:

    • Quest programming and design

      • Designed the quest routes with the level designer, then programmed quest functionality and progression with Blueprints

      • Viewing quest points shifted the camera to a new static viewpoint or a transitioning view of an object

      • Some objects cannot be interacted with until the player is on their designated quest number

        • Quest functionality is very story related, so I will not show any of my quest Blueprints

    • Placed characters statically and on paths around scenes for the main game and for an outside use of the project

      • Edited existing animations in-engine to fit the characters’ situations

    • Created a Blueprint to randomize the elements of male and female NPCs

    • Designed a playground for programmers and the client to test features easily and quickly in-game

      • Implemented functionality to reach the playground by turning on free-roam functionality in the main game

    • Documented existing code and functionality for newly arriving employees

  • For the Unity 3D project:

    • Programmed player abilities and tied them to UI gauges

    • Designed portal functionality for quick travel in the same scene without loading

Duration: March 2022 - August 2022

Game Engines: Unreal 4, Unity 3D

NPC Randomization

To randomize the game’s NPCs, I created a Blueprint component to select a random mesh from lists of bodies, hair, and clothing. Designers can add new elements in the gender-specific NPC randomizer components.

Dev Features

I created dev features for fellow programmers and the client to change to the playground scene and skip forward or backward in the quests. Entering the playground also stored the scene the dev was previously in so that they could return to it.

The on-screen UI menu for dev options

Playground Design

Below is the playground I designed for the client and fellow developers. The right side focuses on movement, questing, and character interaction, while the left side focuses on combat.


DigiPen Institute of Technology Projects (Custom-Built Game Engines, Unity 2D and 3D) - PC


SLiNG - Cat Protector (Unity 2D) - Mobile - Shipped